YouTube Videos

Need some escapism? Check out some of my cheap travel series on YouTube!

North Coast 500 road trip

Who knew Scotland could be so beautiful?

An absolute mind blowing 500 mile road trip around the Scottish Highlands and yep, you guessed it – we were on a budget!

How to book a cheap flight

As well as capturing my travels, I make sure to share my top tips on finding your own cheap flights and accommodation to!!

6 nights for £600 in Iceland

Flights, accommodation, car hire, luggage, food, drink, activities… You name it, it was included in our £600 budget.

And who said Iceland had to be expensive?!

How far will your money go?

Scoring cheap flights and accommodation is one thing, but what about the spends once you’re there? We took to Warsaw to see just how far £100 would get us.

Oh, and I might have asked my housemate to marry me.

Stay in a €1,000,000 apartment

I’m known for my deals but I was pretty chuffed with this one! I show you how we’re able to stay in luxury accommodation through a very hand home swapping website…

12 days in Japan for under £1k

Another dream destination that gets a bad rap for the price but we managed an epic holiday to Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto for under £1000pp for flights, accommodation and the bullet train.

10 holidays for £1709

The original challenge – and where all this cheap holiday nonsense began! The rules were at least 10 holidays, only using annual leave, two had to be over 5 nights, I had to do 3 continents and finally, I had to fly business class at least once.

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Thanks to a backlog, there will be new travel vlogs to come – even whilst we’re all not travelling so much!

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